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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stormless \Storm"less\, a. Without storms.


a. Without a storm or stormy weather.

Usage examples of "stormless".

Better his end had been as the end of a cloudless day, Bright, by the word of Zeus, with a golden star, Wrought of a golden fame, and flung to the central sky, To gleam on a stormless tomb for evermore: -- Whether or not there fell To the touch of an alien hand The sheen of his purple robe and the shine of his diadem, Better his end had been To die as an old man dies, -- But the fates are ever the fates, and a crown is ever a crown.

It was a good summer for traders, and the Sulcars were making the best of brisk winds and stormless seas.

I could promise you a stormless voyage as you, Joe, and you, my Joan, set out together.

I have given him half the gold he demands, and he has said he will sail on the first stormless day.