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The Collaborative International Dictionary

a. (context of a ship English) Caught in a storm, so that proper navigation is impossible.


adj. delayed or confined or cut off by a storm; "the airport was filled with stormbound passengers"


Stormbound or La Strada finisce sul fiume is a 1950 Italian film directed by Luigi Capuano.

Usage examples of "stormbound".

To my right the mountains of Harris stood black and sombre, their stormbound peaks shrouded in rain.

The next room to mine is full of stormbound travellers, and they and the house-master kept up what I thought was a most important argument for four hours at the top of their voices.

Not only had there been adverse winds, but she had twice been stormbound for days in harbours to which she had run for shelter.

She kept close to the river, walking relentlessly onward until through the deep, stormbound shadows she could make out the lofty masts of larger sailing ships off in the distance.