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n. (plural of storekeeper English)

Usage examples of "storekeepers".

He felt privileged to work in Alamosa, where numerous storekeepers spoke Spanish, and he began to think that Colorado was an even better place than New Mexico, until he became aware that many citizens of the small city cursed Mexicans, and accused them of all sorts of evil.

He never took his son around to the storekeepers to collect his money presents for ignoring garbage violations and parking violations.

This man was reputed to be of the “Black Hand,” an offshoot of the Mafia which extorted money from families and storekeepers by threat of physical violence.

Some of the storekeepers paid him trifling sums as a matter of convenience.

And in the towns, the storekeepers hated them because they had no money to spend.

And the hostility changed them, welded them, united them hostility that made the little towns group and arm as though to repel an invader, squads with pick handles, clerks and storekeepers with shotguns, guarding the world against their own people.

And the clerks who drilled at night owned nothing, and the little storekeepers possessed only a drawerful of debts.

All them storekeepers and legioners an' people like that, they get drillin' an' yellin', 'Red!

These here citizens committees give back the pick handles, an' the storekeepers keep their stores, an' nobody been clubbed nor tarred an' feathered an' nobody been killed.

At various shops along the waterfront they purchased rope and axes and buckets of grease for the wagon and replacements for broken harness and barrels of flour and bacon and all the last-minute things that storekeepers reminded them of.

A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year, and a huge lobby of storekeepers, who made more than seventy per cent profit selling firecrackers, began to disrupt all customary legislative procedures.

The very storekeepers are averse to asking for cash payments, and are more surprised than pleased when they are offered.

I do not mean that the American and European storekeepers of Monterey are as lax as Mexicans.

Jew storekeepers have already learned the advantage to be gained from this.

Mister Watson kept up his credit all around, or maybe he thought that storekeepers was more fit company for his kind of people than the fishermen and drifters who lived in the little shacks along the shore.