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StoredIQ was the seminal company for Information Life Cycle Management ("ILM") of unstructured data. Founded in 2001 as Deepfile in Austin, Texas by Jeff Erramouspe, Jeff Bone, Russell Turpin, Rudy Rouhana, Laura Arbilla and Brett Funderburg. The company changed its name in 2005 to StoredIQ and continued to operate successfully for over a decade until it was acquired in 2012 by IBM. It now serves as a platform for IBM's Information LifeCycle Governance, BigData Governance and Enterprise Content Management solutions.

As one of pioneering companies in ILM, eDiscovery, and Compliance related to unstructured data, StoredIQ was awarded five patents by the USPTO. The first, originally filed in 2003, enabled unstructured data in file systems to be manipulated in a similar way to information stored in databases. Subsequent patents only added to StoredIQ's market dominance by building upon the patented actionable file system with further enhancements specific to Enterprise Policy Management and expanding the reach of StoredIQ's management capability all the way to individual desktops.

During this time StoredIQ stood out by receiving numerous awards in several distinct product marketing categories. In 2008 StoredIQ was recognized as "Best in Compliance" by Network Products Guide. At the same time, StoredIQ was being recognized as a "Top 5 Provider" by the prestigious Socha-Gelbmann eDiscovery survey. This incredible breath of information governance capability is what originally drew the attention of EMC, StoredIQ's first potential acquirer. Initially a strategic investor in StoredIQ, many experts predicted the inevitable acquisition to occur down the road. However, in a move that shocked industry pundits, it is speculated that the company so strongly believed in their market advantage that they shunned their first suitor; leaving EMC to acquire a lesser competitor.

The bold move by StoredIQ to remain independent ultimately was rewarded. However, it may not have been StoredIQ's technology advantage that sealed the deal. The company published a whitepaper titled The Truth About Big Data. This succinct and visionary publication cut through the ambiguity around the meaning of big data and the value that can be harnessed from it. This strategic vision combined with StoredIQ's patented, technology dominance led to IBM selecting StoredIQ as the basis for their ILM, ECM and Big Data solutions.