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a. Purchased from a store, rather than cooked or prepared manually.

Usage examples of "storebought".

But meanwhile my storebought arteries were slowly hardening, and every day six thousand cells were dying in my irreplaceable brain.

Well, the reason my parents named me after him was, Uncle Bucky was richer than storebought sin.

By the time he was finished, the entire cold-cellar had new ratkill and bugkill spells on it, the newer meal in the larder had been shuffled to the back, the new preserves in their pots had been stacked beneath the old, and everything was ready for the storebought they’d be returning with in the evening.

He wore a green velvet frock coat some sizes too small for his broad shoulders, and black storebought trousers as well.

Zahl called Shiloh into the kitchen, heated up some storebought gumbo, steamed a cup of rice, and dividing dinner into two equal parts, gave one to her dog before settling down to eat the other half herself.