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storage area

n. the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo [syn: cargo area, cargo deck, cargo hold, hold]

Usage examples of "storage area".

Even before he had time to twist his head the fraction of an inch necessary to look from Dixon's personnel carrier to the tank less than fifty meters to their front, the first of the tank's large metal blow-off panels that covered the ammo storage area had already been torn free.

The only portion of the air sled that resembled the original shape was the storage area, though the under and right hatch were buckled.

The ordinance, which included percussion caps for C-4 (and C-4 itself), had fallen from their ninth floor storage area after the initial truck blast, Cash suggests, to one of the lower floors, where it detonated, causing massive internal damage.

The interior storage area appeared to end about two meters short of the craft’.

If one storage area or computer was receiving unusually heavy use, that would be a good place to do some troubleshooting.

A few minutes later, he locked himself into a storage area where thirty zombie bodies lay in individual full-stimulation containers.

That's how I must've looked as the giant golem hauled me from the underground storage area under its one remaining arm.

The fuel-cell explosion in the lower deck storage area had torn apart Enterprise's middeck.

She rearranged them, leaning two against the big fire extinguishers that she insisted be kept in the storage area.

Through a series of spastic hops, we finally got it coordinated in our movements and rapidly brought it to the entrance to the storage area as Nikki brought the van down as far as it would fit in the narrow passageway.