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a. Able to be stored (without degradation)

Usage examples of "storable".

The Reichswehr did not consider liquid fuels of any kind, they wanted storable powder projectiles.

One of the liquids is liquefied oxygen, and liquid oxygen cannot be regarded as a storable fuel, at least not in the sense in which powder is storable.

Similarly, choosing your retreat now will simplify the selection of clothing, storable food, firearms, ammunition and other supplies that you will want to put by.

You could, of course, stock your cabin in advance and hope to benefit from a wider selection of firearms, more ammunition, reloading supplies, storable foods, books, a wood stove, medical supplies, spares of critical items such as knives and axes.

If at all possible, you should sample a variety of storable foods before you make large purchases.

There are scores of brands and qualities presently being offered by storable food sales organizations.

One might be tempted to take cold comfort from that statement, were it not for the fact that the methods of processing and packaging have at least as much to do with the overall quality of the storable product as the grade of food that goes into it.

They recommend that your survival preparations be limited to gold and silver coins, storable foods, water purifiers, a portable radio and, possibly, a gun for hunting.

A safe place, arms for food gathering and protection, a water supply and storable food are obvious survival requirements, but after those provisions have been made, priorities are less easily defined, and those which seem expensive or esoteric tend to be neglected.

The cereal nut bushes provided storable food he had all three varieties, a total of twenty-two different kinds of nuts.

Still, fossil fuel remained a favored energy source: storable, compact, simple.

Solid propellant rockets are so simple and storable that a five-stage hypervelocity bird could be depended upon after years of storage.

In addition to the nearly full-time job of bargaining for those necessities that could be bargained for, substituting or improvising those that could not, and hamstering away in basements and shelters any storable food that could be found, my foster father Johann had another job, or perhaps an obsession.