vb. (obsolete spelling of stopped lang=en nodot=1); (en-past of stop nocap=1)
Usage examples of "stopt".
Here Jones stopt short, and directing his eyes upwards, stood for a while silent.
When they came to the cross-roads where the squire had stopt to take counsel, Jones stopt likewise, and turning to Partridge, asked his opinion which track they should pursue.
But the leadin hoss of the pirut ship stopt suddent on comin to the oats, and commenst for to devour them.
Whereat the man was a little stopt, and went a softlier pace: but not being willing to lose the day, he began again, and said:- LIND.
His mouth was now as effectually stopt, as that of quack must be, if, in the midst of a declamation on the great virtues of his pills and powders, the corpse of one of his martyrs should be brought forth, and deposited before the stage, as a testimony of his skill.
After him Vther, which Pendragon hight,Succeding There abruptly it did end,Without full point, or other Cesure right,As if the rest some wicked hand did rend,Or th'Authour selfe could not at least attendTo finish it: that so vntimely breachThe Prince him selfe halfe seemeth to offend,Yet secret pleasure did offence empeach,And wonder of antiquitie long stopt his speach.