n. (plural of stook English)
Usage examples of "stooks".
A horse limped away, another fell among the wheat stooks, while a third raced riderless toward the west.
A few of the fields were being reaped, one or two were crowded with stooks, while many crops of oats yet waved and rustled in various stages of vanishing green.
In some areas late straw was stooked to dry, and Anna saw workmen pitching stooks onto the wagons and carting them to great open-sided barns.
The saw-like sickles had only lately been put away, and the wheat stood in stooks of eight among the tall stubble of those times.
At night this City of Trees Turns to a tryst of vague and strange And monstrous Majesties, Let loose from some dim underworld to range These terrene vistas till their twilight sets: When, dispossessed of wonderfulness, they stand Beggared and common, plain to all the land For stooks of leaves!