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a. Of cloth or clothing, having been tumbled with stones in order to soften the fabric.

Usage examples of "stonewashed".

Katrina asked, trying not to notice how his stonewashed linen shirt strained against muscular biceps, or how his jeans hugged slim hips.

Suzy selected a gauzy skirt and silky jewel-toned blouse, a watermelon pink tank dress that fell open from mid-thigh to calf, stonewashed jeans with stretchy ribbed knit tops, scandalously short skirts, cotton sweaters that clung to her breasts.

The front door to the house swung open and a shapely young black woman in a bright pink T-shirt and stonewashed jeans stepped onto the porch.

Leaning over the railing, we are glad we put on our mother-of-pearl headbands this morning, and our dresses of blue stonewashed silk.

The open jacket exposed a blue plaid flannel shirt and stonewashed dungarees.