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a. Resembling stone or a stone.


adj. (of bone especially the temporal bone) resembling stone in hardness [syn: petrous]

Usage examples of "stonelike".

Tholian then threw a stonelike object into the air, neatly cleaving it in two with the weapon.

Only it was no longer a statue, and the eyes burned with a far from stonelike fire.

It drove against the stonelike skin of the fifteen-foot giant, bent nearly in half, and snapped at the hilt.

More gadgets and junk projected from the walls: crumbling pipes, a stonelike trough big enough to bathe in, a bed of points like stalactites.

Lucky looked curiously at the odd fish, carved out of a stonelike, green material, from whose mouth a lighted cigarette had appeared when he pressed its dorsal fin.

Shada looked up at Karrde again, to find his stonelike expression had hardened even further.

And in the center of the city, among a million stonelike termitaria that seethe with blind, violent life, there stands a different mound.

Colun shook his head, his face become as mournful as anything so stonelike could look.

The Elders sat stonelike, each one hunched over, head bowed and hands clasped.

Gigantic, green-scaled, half reptilian, he shambled across the platform to sit at a white stonelike bench.

Ross noted that they passed the room where he and Eveleen had been imprisoned for a night, and then they were all three enclosed in a cylindrical elevator shaft made of some stonelike white material, with a source of light impossible to detect.

I eased myself down and lay with my arm across my face, feeling the immense weight of a limitless grief crushing the spirit within me into a hard, stonelike kernel.

Scaled and dunnish tan or pale green they are, and huge—ten or twelve feet tall—and with a stonelike hide which makes them most difficult to bring down in battle, though a well-placed stroke will slay them—in the eye, or ear, or the soft of the mouth—whatever will pierce the brain.