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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Already, Mark Leiter can feel the difference this spring training from the stomach-churning ordeals of years past.
▪ At the end of every set of three levels a stomach-churning guardian awaits.
▪ For much of the past week I have had this dreadful, stomach-churning feeling of imminent disaster.
▪ G-Loc the coin-op only worked because of its fast, exciting graphics and stomach-churning gyroscopic cabinet.

Usage examples of "stomach-churning".

Teddy Tumtum snorted, then melted into more of his stomach-churning baby-talk mode.

And a voice, dinning into the ears of my mind, repeating with endless, stomach-churning patience, collections of syllables I strained desperately to sort into comprehensible phrases.

The featureless fog gave Cley the sensation of plunging down through an infinite cylinder, confusing her inner ear, bringing momentary bouts of stomach-churning nausea.

They plunged after it, were buffeted by a second stomach-churning whirlwind, and suddenly burst into bright sunshine in a clear blue sky.