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stomach lining

n. (context anatomy English) a layer of tissue on the inside of stomach

Usage examples of "stomach lining".

The taste of food will cause the salivary glands to secrete fluid into the mouth, and the cells of the stomach lining to secrete fluid into the stomach.

Virus-sized weapons specifically designed to destroy the cells of the stomach lining.

Then there was something to cause it to quickly enter your bloodstream through the stomach lining.

As soon as she'd cut through the surprisingly tough and elastic stomach lining, he exploded upward.

Not only was he still hungry, but the stomach lining would make a water container for tomorrow’.

Sully wished Ronnie Malenfant had died in a Viet Gong spiderhole, his nose full of sores and the smell of ratshit, bleeding internally and puking up chunks of his own stomach lining.

His own body had fought off food poisoning often enough that he thought he must have calluses on his stomach lining by now, but even so he ate little.

The stomach lining was yellowish and translucent so that she fancied that she could see the contents through the walls.

Its human crew occupy chambers hollowed out of the stomach lining.

One of the cooks tossed Ralph a ribbon of tripe, scorched from the fierce flames, and with the contents still adhering to the stomach lining.

She took her first bite, scorched her mouth, her throat and her stomach lining.

I entertained him by falling down the stairs, then throwing up part of my stomach lining.

Atrophy of the gustatory sense or anaesthesia of the stomach lining, or something.

Since it was also unmarked and unlabeled, Eve prepared to sacrifice a few layers of stomach lining.

Must be nice to have a young stomach lining, both the older men thought.