Crossword clues for stolidly
adv. In a stolid manner.
adv. in a stolid manner; "he said `no' stolidly"
Usage examples of "stolidly".
They were idle ladies and gentlemen under umbrellas, Indians and habitans taking the rain stolidly erect or with shrugged shoulders, and two or three clergymen of the curate type, who might have stepped as they were out of any dull English novel.
Lew nursing like a child one whom he had known less than a week--the Hares stolidly doing their jobs, as well fitted as Lew for this harsh world--Johnny tormented by anxiety for his brother, but uncomplainingly sticking to the main road of his duty.
His feet are stolidly on the floor, his knees spread way out wide, the way Schtitt always has to sit, on account of his varicoceles.
Nineteen When the Reverend Walter Macy arrived at his office on the ground floor of Administration, Eliot Erskine was waiting for him, sitting on the couch across from the desk, under the photo mural of the Meadows Center, sitting so stolidly, impassively, Macy had the momentary impression the man had been there all night.
The dozen Melungeons clomped along stolidly with the luggage while Royston called cadence.
The fishermen were drawing their flat-bottomed boats up higher, and carrying their nets and ropes within doors for shelter, while a few strong old men, in their nightcaps and blue guernseys, were stolidly smoking in the rain and nodding their heads out at the sea.
Lyra returned her gaze stolidly, though she felt a quickening of her heart, for Ruta Skadi lived so brilliantly in her nerves that she set up a responding thrill in the nerves of anyone close by.
Thundering Hooves All that day the little scoutcraft followed in the wake of the Yathoon caravan, while the migratory Clan stolidly pursued its southward way.
He expected Ammuud Swooper to turn tail, dive hack into the atmosphere, and try to find a safer exit vector, but the freighter came stolidly on in his wake.
Tex Goldman mob, he had done very little more than could have been done by any detective with an original turn of mind and an equal freedom from responsibility to the stolidly unimaginative Powers who draw princely salaries for encumbering with red tape and ballyhoo the perfectly simple process of locating ungodliness and smacking it on the nose.
The brontothere paced stolidly down the center of the roadway, crushing the coarse limestone gravel into dust with its three-toed feet.
Chasurt, a stolidly built, blank-faced man of the late middle decades, reminded Killashandra of Maestro Valdi in his outraged indignation.
The backwoodsmen took matters more stolidly, having acquired long since the art of waiting.
All looked towards the bull’s head, Mr Chubb with cold appraisal, Malley stolidly, Love and Harper craning like tourists anxious to get their money’s worth, Pook indifferently, and Policewoman Bellweather with that rigidity of mien with which she had trained herself to confront all things unusual or distasteful, from a motor accident to a rashly proffered penis.
All looked towards the bulls head, Mr Chubb with cold appraisal, Malley stolidly, Love and Harper craning like tourists anxious to get their moneys worth, Pook indifferently, and Policewoman Bellweather with that rigidity of mien with which she had trained herself to confront all things unusual or distasteful, from a motor accident to a rashly proffered penis.