n. (stock car English)
Usage examples of "stock cars".
They were pouring wheat into ore cars, into coal cars, into boarded stock cars that went spilling thin gold trickles along the track as they clattered off.
These were poor man's stock cars or sometimes the cheaper formulas.
There was small likelihood of their losing him, for they had stock cars, while the special machine Doc was driving was capable of something near a hundred and fifty miles an hour.
Not to mention, no beer or cigarette sponsors want their stock cars and people like Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
The enormously expensive, hand-built Formula One racers were being forced off the track by cheap stock cars packed with store-bought superchargers and sixteen-barrel carburetors.
The rush of the cruiser, the hefty surge of the engine, he was reminded of Saturday nights years ago racing stock cars, and he loved it all again.
The challenger was one of the king-sized beach bunnies, one of the big young straight-haired blondes about nineteen who look so much alike lately they should wear numbers on the side like stock cars.
Sherrine imagined the beds cartwheeling and bursting into flame like stock cars going out of control.
Brazil covered the Coca-Cola 600, interviewing spectators drinking beer while stock cars blasted past.
It consisted of a locomotive, two freight cars, three stock cars, and a caboose.
Livestock owners left the car to see to their animals in the stock cars.
I done it all in my time, stock cars, broncos, gambling, stealing and I am here to tell you that there ain’.