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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stochastic \Sto*chas"tic\ (st[-o]*k[a^]s"t[i^]k), a. [Gr. stochastiko`s, from stocha`zesqai to aim, to guess, fr. sto`chos mark or aim.]

  1. Conjectural; able to conjecture. [Obs.]

  2. random; chance; involving probability; opposite of deterministic.

  3. (Statistics) of or pertaining to a process in which a series of calculations, selections, or observations are made, each one being randomly determined as a sample from a probability distribution.

    Note: Where physical phenomena are modelled as a stochastic process, each subsequent calculation of a series may depend on the result of the previous calculation, as in the modelling of the process of diffusion of molecules. Many series may be calculated, and the results averaged, to estimate the most likely result. See also Markov chain. [PJC] -- sto*chas"tic*al*ly, adv.


adv. In a stochastic manner; by means of a process involving a randomly determined sequence of events.


adv. by stochastic means; "we estimated the answer stochastically"

Usage examples of "stochastically".

And he imagined that they had been fragmented, and had traveled back in time, a fragment of each to lodge here and there in the newborn throughout history, to lodge as an obsession, glint, or insight, turning the psyches of so many in the past just enough to lead to lives and works which would lead, inevitably, stochastically, Ideologically, to the creation and destruction of Radix Malorum.