is the anime spin-off of Disney's Lilo & Stitch franchise and the successor to Lilo & Stitch: The Series. It debuted in Japan on October 2008. The show features a Japanese girl named Yuna in place of Lilo, and is set on a fictional island in the Ryukyus off the shore of Okinawa instead of Hawaii. The island is called Izayoi. A second arc of the original series, called began airing in Japan on 13 October 2009, completing Madhouse's 56 original episodes of the show. A sequel series from the original two-arc anime, entitled aired on TV Asahi on 6 July 2010, with Shin-Ei Animation taking over production. Then, a TV special, continuing from the sequel series entitled aired on 16 June 2012. Following this, three years following the release of "Stitch and the Planet of Sand" and announced on 26 June 2015, a TV special entitled aired on August 7, 2015 as part of a "Stitch! New Specials" series (a line that "Stitch and the Planet of Sand" started), though it is unknown at the moment if Shin-Ei Animation returned to animate for the special.