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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stilly \Still"y\, a. Still; quiet; calm.

The stilly hour when storms are gone.


Stilly \Stil"ly\, adv. In a still manner; quietly; silently; softly.
--Dr. H. More.

The hum of either army stilly sounds.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

Old English stillice; see still (adj.) + -ly (2).


a. silent; calm adv. While still and calm


adj. (poetic) still or calm; "in the stilly night"

Usage examples of "stilly".

Swept cold against our faces, where we sat Between the hush and howling of the winds, Between the swells and sinking of the waves, Between the stormy sea and stilly shore, Between the rushings of the maddened rains, Between the dark beneath and dark above.

He would have said that she had scarcely thought of the child, so stilly had she gone about her work, day in and day out.

Her eyes dropped as she came in and she moved stilly and did only what she was told to do and she went quickly out again.

How quiet it was, but for a distant dog or two, and the stilly shivering-down of the water drops, and the far vibration of the million-voiced city!

She was a beautiful woman, Servilia, endowed with a firmly voluptuous figure and one of those little pointed faces which have an air of many secrets in a stilly folded mouth and thickly lidded, hooded eyes.

Voice of bird and forest murmur, insect hum and quivering spray Stir not in that quiet hour: through the valley, calm and stilly, All in hushed and loving silence watch the slow departing Day.

The river flows So deep and wide and stilly, And waits to catch the fallen rose And clasp the broken lily.

His voice grew almost harsh in its intensity, and the hand that had hung so stilly beside her closed on the skirt of her dress in her effort to keep the hot blush from her face.

Refreshed by the cool and fragrant air, and her spirits soothed to a state of gentle melancholy by the stilly murmur of the brook below and of the woods around, she lingered at her casement long after the sun had set, watching the valley sinking into obscurity, till only the grand outline of the surrounding mountains, shadowed upon the horizon, remained visible.

And softly, so softly that the tunes seemed to be but dreams he began playing those old Chorales, one after another, so that the stilly sounds floated out, through the opened window, puzzling the early birds and cats and those few humans who were abroad as yet.

The perfume was everywhere, it arose before me, like the frankincense of veiled altars, from the tarn and the hemlocks, and it seemed to fall from the stilly burning stars above the Gothic trees and granite walls, to the north.