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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stiff-backed \Stiff"-backed`\, a. Obstinate.
--J. H. Newman.


a. obstinate


adj. having a stiff back; "the guards stood stiff-backed and unsmiling"

Usage examples of "stiff-backed".

Gabriel, stiff-backed with outrage, strode down the hall, leaving wet bootprints behind him.

He was peripherally aware of the light tread and tomcat shadow on the stairs that would be Starhawk, but most of his attention was drawn to the butler's stiff-backed shape, and, half-hidden behind it, the bedraggled form whose battered jerkin, ruinous sleeve dags, and sopping braids were dripping puddles of water onto the tiled floor.

Very kind of him, the stiff-backed prig, with his dandified airs and West-end swagger.

The old woman was stiff-backed, as alert as a hawk-bat on the lookout for prey, and the downiness of her white hair, which should have softened her appearance, should have made her grandmotherly, instead gave her the aspect of some mad Force wizard from a scary bedtime story.

A small boxing ring stood in the centre of the floor, surrounded by a few dozen stiff-backed chairs.

The collector from the Liberal Party and aged lushes with lice crawling over their faces sat in the same stiff-backed chair opposite the Wonder's maplewood desk.