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n. (plural of stickup English)

Usage examples of "stickups".

The addresses of the four new black-white stickups covered 26th and Gramercy to La Brea and Adams.

Then Simpkins came out of Big Q, the voodoo sex fantasy stuff became tepid reality, and the Voodoo Man himself went back to stickups, exploiting her connections to the white criminal world.

The rap sheet ended with notations from the San Francisco PD Intelligence Squad, stating that Nash was suspected of a dozen Bay Area stickups and was rumored to be one of the outside men behind the May '46 Alcatraz crash-out attempt.

Clemenza had not been unaware that Paulie Gatto supplemented his income with free-lance stickups, strictly against the Family rules, but even this was a sign of the man’s worth.

Bank robberies, train holdups, stagecoach stickups, rustling, you name it.

Not much happened except for the stickups, which occurred every second or third weekend.