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sticking up

vb. (present participle of stick up English)

Usage examples of "sticking up".

He had just paid for the monkey chow himself, with his own money, down at the grain elevator - the closest thing there was to a skyscraper in Elton, a white tubular obelisk sticking up above the railroad tracks on the edge of town.

Sarah ruffles my hair and grins and says she's glad I'm sticking up for my brother, it's what she'd expect from me.

He saw the heads of the three horses sticking up above the sea of shiny, bald heads.

As I was paying, the man with the yachting cap, cheroot sticking up at a jaunty angle, sauntered up to the desk and nodded affably to the clerk.

Who started the row in the first place by sticking up insulting signs in public places?

The light showed a knife hilt sticking up from the chest of a man with dead, staring eyes.

A scrap of breeze ruffled the dark fletchings on the arrows sticking up from his back.

The tufted ears sticking up through his shaggy hair quivered with plea­.

He might as well have one of those long fluorescent orange bicycle flags lashed to the shaft of his phallus and sticking up out of his pants.

An old trike, rusting and overturned, hid in that long grass, one wheel sticking up at an angle.