n. (stick figure English)
Usage examples of "stick figures".
They had been done by her youngest grandchildren in a dozen shades of mud, most of them of blobby stick figures with the word GRAN blobbily blobbed in underneath in muddy blobby letters.
The chestnuts are in bloom, the cobblestones shine, the carriages are letting off stick figures in the distance.
When they touched the barrier, though, they were transformed into stick figures, cartoon characters which rapidly faded.
He wanted to do this calculation for coastal Indians like the Salish (who had easy access to seafood) and for inland ones like the Cayuse (who didn't) as part of an extremely convoluted plan to prove some sort of point about the relative standards of living of these tribes and how this affected their cultural development (coastal tribes made lots of fantastically detailed art and inland ones occasionally scratched stick figures on rocks).
CALL, with stick figures of patient and therapist--SELF and OBJECT--holding tiny telephones to stick ears.
Symbols, stick figures of men and women, highly stylized creatures alive with flat, bright color leaped clear of the wood.
Tiny stick figures running, falling, lifting into the air with flailing limbs.
Both rushing toward a tiny box with stick figures floating haphazardly around it.
No photographs of children and grandchildren stand atop the chest, and no crayon drawings of blocky houses and stick figures decorate the walls.
The boy was peering over his shoulder at the crude rayed suns and stick figures that grooved the stucco and flaked the green paint.
She had friends on that ship, and any of them could be the anonymous stick figures desperately throwing themselves off the leading edge, plunging to their deaths.