StGiNU (acronym for Stop the Genocide in Northern Uganda) is an advocacy group formed in the beginning of 2005 by Ugandans living in the United Kingdom. At that time, the situation in the concentration camps in Northern Uganda was claiming lives more than cross fire casualties. In the same year 2005, the Ugandan World Health Organization reported that there were 5000 excess deaths per week due to camp conditions alone. Jan Egeland UN's Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Affairs stated that the Northern Uganda situation was worse than Iraq. Another UN representative Olara Otunnu said the situation in Northern Uganda was a secret genocide.
StGiNU group carried out their main public demonstration on the 16 April 2005 in Downing Street, and handed a petition to UK PM Tony Blair. Copies of the petition documents were later on sent to several governments including the United Nations office. The documents can be accessed here.