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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Asterope \As*ter"o*pe\, n. [Gr. ?, lit., lightning.]

  1. (Myth.) One of the Pleiades; -- called also Sterope.

  2. (Astron.) A double star in the Pleiades (21 k and 22 l Pleiadum, of the 5.8 and 6.4 magnitude respectively), appearing as a single star of the 5.3 magnitude to the naked eye.


Sterope (, from , steropē, lightning) was the name of several individuals in Greek mythology:

  • Sterope (or Asterope), one of the Pleiades and the wife of Oenomaus (or his mother by Ares)
    • a name of 22 Tauri in the Pleiades cluster of stars
  • Sterope, daughter of Pleuron and Xanthippe
  • Sterope, daughter of Porthaon and Euryte or Laothoe, sometimes said to be the mother of the Sirens by Achelous
  • Sterope, daughter of Cepheus, King of Tegea, who received a lock of Medusa's hair from Heracles to protect her hometown, Tegea from attack, thus winning Heracles' friendship for her father
  • Sterope, daughter of Acastus and either Astydameia or Hippolyte
  • Sterope, one of the horses of Helios
  • Sterope, a daughter of Helios and wife of Eurypylus
  • Sterope, one of the Maenads
  • Steropes, son of Gaia and Uranus, and brother to Brontes and Arges, the three Cyclopes written about by Hesiod.
Sterope (Pleiad)

In Greek mythology, Sterope (; Greek: Στερόπη ), also called Asterope (Ἀστερόπη), was one of the seven Pleiades (the daughters of Atlas and Pleione, born to them at Mount Cyllene in Arcadia) and the wife of Oenomaus (or, according to some accounts, his mother by Ares).