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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Sternmost \Stern"most`\, a. Farthest in the rear; farthest astern; as, the sternmost ship in a convoy.


a. Closest to the stern, furthest sternward.

Usage examples of "sternmost".

We lost no time in embarking, and crossed the crooked channel of the Dog Rapid, when two of the canoes came in such violent contact with each other, that the sternmost had its bow broken off.

He spoke about the condition of the sternmost nozzles in tones clipped just this side of panic.

He did not know the names or purposes of many of the machines in the sternmost section, which was unoccupied and cut off from the rest of the hull by triple bulkheads.

The first blast shook the Cambria forcefully but did not damage any of her structure forward of the sternmost storage area.

On the deck in the lee of the sternmost carronade sat an angular woman, her scow-like feet thrust out before her and her huge brown hands busily wielding knitting needles that seemed the size of boat hooks.

Here you see the sternmost 180 degrees of the Sun King with a series of water-discharge ports along the periphery.

At least the pelican, sweet deformed lonely creature, was still high off the barrels of our sternmost guns.

He swam then, kicking hard and fast, zigzagging through the oscillating cameras, until he reached the sternmost section of the hull.

He accordingly closed with the sternmost ship, which sustained his fire about an hour: then the other three bearing away with all the sail they could carry, she struck her colours, and was conducted to Lisbon.

The English admiral, without waiting to return the fire of the sternmost, which he received as he passed, used all his endeavours to come up with the Ocean, which M.

Every ship, as she advanced, poured in a broadside on the sternmost of the French, and bore down upon their van, leaving the rear to those that came after.

And to cap the sternmost rocket, here comes a pee-lot who wants serials!