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vb. (en-past of: sterilise)

  1. adj. made free from live bacteria or other microorganisms; "sterilized instruments" [syn: antiseptic, sterilized]

  2. made infertile [syn: sterilized]

Usage examples of "sterilised".

Eggelby, in a tone which had been thoroughly sterilised of even perfunctory regret.

An hour, and a considerable number of cuffs, slaps and punches later, Phaid found himself sprayed, shaved, sterilised, retina printed and brain scanned for a second time, indoctrinated, inspected, assigned to a hall and weighed down by a pile of clothing and bedding.

All she could give her tonight was some warm milk, after she sterilised the bottle she had found in the filthy blanket used to wrap her in.