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a. Of or pertaining to stereotaxis.

Usage examples of "stereotaxic".

It was the same setup as before in a smaller spacetwo stainless steel tables side by side, but only one stereotaxic hat.

With him sitting up and the stereotaxic frame in place, it would be ill-advised to move him on and off a gurney.

With his head locked into the futuristic-appearing stereotaxic frame, he could have been a slumbering actor in a science-fiction movie.

Directly aligned with the hole and firmly attached to one of the arches of the stereotaxic frame was the implantation needle.

In all my experience with the stereotaxic frame, I have never not been where I targeted.

Ashley had not awakened since the second dose and had slept through his craniotomy hole being stitched closed over a metal button, the stereotaxic frame being removed, and his being transferred to the CAT-scan table.

It was now clear to him that the stereotaxic frame had to have slightly rotated as well as tipped down, either on impact or when the scrub nurse grasped it.

Delgado had found a way of mapping the brainwhich is to say, determining which areas of the brain controlled what behaviorby using stereotaxic needle implants and stimulating them electronically.

More than 24,000 stereotaxic procedures on human beings have been performed in various countries by this date.

She waited until the stereotaxic mechanism was in place and the coordinates were determined.

It all depends on how you set the coordinates on your stereotaxic device.

She had lovely gray eyes and only the barest indication above her brows where the stereotaxic device had been screwed to her skull.