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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stercobilin \Ster`co*bi"lin\, n. [L. stercus dung + E. bilin.] (Physiol. Chem.) A coloring matter found in the f[ae]ces, a product of the alteration of the bile pigments in the intestinal canal, -- identical with hydrobilirubin.


n. (context biochemistry English) A tetrapyrrolic bile pigment, one of the end products of heme catabolism, responsible for the brown colour of human faeces.


Stercobilin is a tetrapyrrolic bile pigment and is one end-product of heme catabolism. It is the chemical responsible for the brown color of human feces and was originally isolated from feces in 1932. Stercobilin (and related urobilin) can be used as a marker for biochemical identification of fecal pollution levels in rivers.

Usage examples of "stercobilin".

On the monitor a chart appeared, giving the results from the analysis: bile pigments, stercobilin, urobilin, indole, nitrates, skatole, mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide.

On the monitor a chart appeared, giving the results from the analysis: bile pigments, stercobilin, urobilin, indole, nitrates, skatole, mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide.