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n. (plural of stepmother English)

Usage examples of "stepmothers".

Her father the King could not, for a time, bring himself to see her, but the intercession of three stepmothers - Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves and Katherine Howard - made him relent, with the result that Elizabeth received the occasional summons to come to court, albeit rarely.

He had never known his own mother, and his first two stepmothers, Anne of Cleves and Katherine Howard, had little to do with him.

A kind of monitoring subroutine-maybe a harsh one, like the wicked stepmothers in all those stories.

Sickness equally alarms affectionate mothers and crabbed stepmothers,—affectionate mothers from the dangers caused by sickness, and stepmothers from the heavy pulls it makes upon their purse.

That's what mothers and stepmothers were for: to put on gloomy faces and look disapproving.