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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Steel \Steel\ (st[=e]l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Steeled (st[=e]ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Steeling.] [AS. st[=y]lan: cf. Icel. st[ae]la. See Steel, n.]

  1. To overlay, point, or edge with steel; as, to steel a razor; to steel an ax.

  2. Fig.: To make hard or strong; hence, to make insensible or obdurate.

    Lies well steeled with weighty arguments.

    O God of battles! steel my soldiers' hearts.

    Why will you fight against so sweet a passion, And steel your heart to such a world of charms?

  3. Fig.: To cause to resemble steel, as in smoothness, polish, or other qualities.

    These waters, steeled By breezeless air to smoothest polish.

  4. (Elec.) To cover, as an electrotype plate, with a thin layer of iron by electrolysis. The iron thus deposited is very hard, like steel.


Steeling \Steel"ing\, n. The process of pointing, edging, or overlaying with steel; specifically, acierage. See Steel, v.


vb. (present participle of steel English)

Usage examples of "steeling".

He thought of a way to delay his pursuers as the tram slowed further, studying the speedometer, steeling himself for the effort.

Steeling himself, he waded cautiously into the final sublevel, moving slowly to avoid kicking up any splashes that would reveal his position.

Queron drew a deep breath and exhaled it as fully as he could, as if steeling himself for something either unpleasant or dangerous.

Thekla and Harras parented Prinz -- well, then, my father, Herr Leeb, a few gentlemen with gold Party badges, four or five young whippersnappers in uniform but older than I, we all stood in silence, steeling ourselves.

Steeling herself, Apara followed them up to the checkpoint and waited as they stopped at the detector and handed their wristwatches, coins, and belts to the women on duty, then stepped through the detector, single-file.

Steeling his resolve, he gently disengaged himself from Carlines embrace Slowly he forced himself away from her and, with regret in his voice, said, I think you should return to your rooms, Carline.

He looked mildly apprehensive, as if steeling himself for an unpleasant dental procedure.

He'd been steeling himself for the long trudge across the bridge to Kingsford again, a scant dinner, and the cheapest room he could find.

So that on every hand, you see, prudence suggests to us that we should deny ourselves the pleasure of your company, and, steeling our soft hearts to the inevitable, invite you to be so obliging as to step over the side.

All the deserving citizens, among them Herr Leeb of Ohra, to whom the meanwhile deceased Thekla of Schüddelkau had belonged -- Thekla and Harras parented Prinz -- well, then, my father, Herr Leeb, a few gentlemen with gold Party badges, four or five young whippersnappers in uniform but older than I, we all stood in silence, steeling ourselves.

Aaron dialed the number in Oakland, steeling himself for a lengthy round of telephone tag.