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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Steeliness \Steel"i*ness\ (-[i^]*n[e^]s), n. The quality of being steely.


n. Referring to properties of toughness, hardness or durability resembling (or likened to) that of steel.

Usage examples of "steeliness".

She clutched at his arm, feeling his warm flesh, the steeliness of the muscles underneath.

He wasn't a muscle-bound hulk, but the steeliness of his body was evident.

She slid her hand up to his groin and felt the huge steeliness and fierce heat of his erection.

I don’t have Larkin’s skills, nor the steeliness of mind to kill in cold blood.

She was a slight, almost fragile, kind of girl, but I could see the resolve in her, a steeliness that I guess came with her breeding.