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steam shovels

n. (plural of steam shovel English)

Usage examples of "steam shovels".

Not from leaves and flowers, but from wooden scaffoldings, from steam shovels, from blocks of stone and sheets of glass rising out of the earth they received the sense of youth, motion, purpose, fulfillment.

Bulldozers, steam shovels, construction crews swarmed over the vast leveled lot.

Some of the men pointed to Camp Pendleton, where bulldozers and steam shovels and carpenters and masons swarmed.

He told his uncle of the immensity of the project, of the furious pace at which the men worked, of the bulldozers, the cranes, the steam shovels.

An anonymous spectator in a group of the idle curious, he stood and watched the steam shovels biting the earth, breaking the way for future foundations.

I could have a couple kids and spend my days coloring in coloring books and reading stories about steam shovels and little bears.

There was a clutter of sidings, freight cars, cranes and steam shovels around him, descending from the main track down the slope of a ravine where men were grading the roadbed of the new cutoff.

Its claws would have the grip of half a dozen steam shovels in one.

The storehouse was full of steam shovels, dump trucks, excavators and other construction equipment.

With the energy of two massive steam shovels, Velsper began pounding the obese frame.