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n. (plural of steading English)

Usage examples of "steadings".

Each of Grayson's eighty steadings had its own capital cathedral, and by ancient tradition, the Reverend celebrated service in a different one each Sunday, working his way through every steading in turn.

In the last three months, as the orders poured in from other steadings, Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd.

From there it's less than a day's march to the northernmost Iraiina steadings, or to tribes allied to them.

Beyond the walls, in the harbor and distant steadings, it was the same.

The farmlands were dotted with tidy steadings and laced with low stone walls.

The wide valleys between were well watered and dotted with steadings and walled villages.

Tharin found several sergeants among them and ordered runners sent to the outlying steadings to raise the knights.

Geret had said there were settlements and steadings on the other bank, and, farther south, the first of the great cities.

It came to me then that when they reached the steadings across the Water, their buyers might feast them, and provide other entertainments also.

The third time I rode out of Belhannor to one of the tiny steadings still left standing at her foot (Vazkor had razed most of them before Belhannor bowed, and her walls were stained with their smoke).

Most of the stories began after that, with the settlements growing near the new forts and towns, with the “clearing” of old steadings, the forced resettlement of families, the change in steading custom to conform to the new village laws.

There were the customs of his village, and the customs all his people shared, from the days when they lived in steadings within a hearthing.

All we can hope for is to kill this plague here so it doesn't spread to the other steadings and the monastery.