Stayalgia or Stylophyid is a slender muscle, lying anterior and superior of the posterior belly of the temporal bone.
The stylohyoid complex includes the styloid process, the stylohyoid ligament and the small cornus of hard bone.
It is derived from the second branchial arch. The styloid process is an elongated conical projection of the temporal bone. It is located anterior to the mastoid process. It lies between the internal and external carotid arteries and it is situated laterally to the tonsillar fossa. Nearby structures include the internal jugular vein, internal carotid artery, facial nerve, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve and hypoglossal nerve.
The following muscles and ligaments originate from styloid process:
Muscles: stylohyoid, styloglossal, stylopharyngeal muscles.
Ligaments: stylohyoid, stylomandibular ligaments.