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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Staunch \Staunch\ (st[aum]nch), Staunchly \Staunch"ly\, Staunchness \Staunch"ness\, etc. See Stanch, Stanchly, etc.


n. Property of being staunch.


n. loyalty in the face of trouble and difficulty [syn: steadfastness]

Usage examples of "staunchness".

Always before, Nacoya's frail appearance had hidden a whipcord resilience, a fibre of staunchness that made her seem indestructible.

They were not large or imposing as to looks, but their staunchness, their speed and endurance, made them the choice of any who could raise such payment.

And from the roof they would look down on the motionless figure below, and speculate on many things, including the staunchness of man, the qualities of their master, and even the possibility that the new gods might be as powerful as the old.