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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Station \Sta"tion\ (st[=a]"sh[u^]n), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Stationed (-sh[u^]nd); p. pr. & vb. n. Stationing.] To place; to set; to appoint or assign to the occupation of a post, place, or office; as, to station troops on the right of an army; to station a sentinel on a rampart; to station ships on the coast of Afric

  1. He gained the brow of the hill, where the English phalanx was stationed.


vb. (en-past of: station)

Usage examples of "stationed".

Roman people, three cohorts only were stationed in the capital, whilst the remainder was dispersed in the adjacent towns of Italy.

Of a sudden he was sorry for the operator too, who had to sit out here obtaining nothing, knowing there was no hope, surrounded by grieving relatives, with armed guards stationed near the desk in case.

Where else would you possibly end up -- or are you implying some kind of secret passage, always with a man stationed to verify your nakedness, including even the indigitation of your vagina?

He fled after burning us out but fell off the horse within sight of the men I had stationed on the road to Hamsford in case he did return home.

On some occasions he actually stationed armed men in the room adjoining the office, men who were not allowed to partake of the women -- at least, not on a night they stood guard.

Some will be stationed in the warehouse, others in Man Station, with of course a lot of swapping back and forth.

Beside her, stationed on C-deck to work the winch controls, were two of the Marines.

The way Schofield saw it, a small team already stationed inside the cave would be able to pick off an enemy force, one by one, as they broke the surface.

He had been up here collecting samples from hair traps stationed throughout the remote areas of the park and freshening their foul-smelling scent lures when he found himself in this predicament.

Lieutenant Serina Washburn was the only female among the Navy crew stationed up here, a part of the base team.

The six-man team had been stationed here for the past sixteen hours, flown in and dropped in the dead of night.

He had counted the shore party, then added that number to the complement of hostiles previously stationed here, keeping track of the Russian forces.

With these moderate views, Augustus stationed two permanent fleets in the most convenient ports of Italy, the one at Ravenna, on the Adriatic, the other at Misenum, in the Bay of Naples.

Besides these two ports, which may be considered as the principal seats of the Roman navy, a very considerable force was stationed at Frejus, on the coast of Provence, and the Euxine was guarded by forty ships, and three thousand soldiers.

Their warlike youth afforded an inexhaustible supply of recruits to the legions stationed on the banks of the Danube, and which, from a perpetual warfare against the Germans and Sarmazans, were deservedly esteemed the best troops in the service.