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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a local/national/statewide etc poll
▪ Local polls show him leading by only two or three points.
▪ In 1974, Alexander was defeated in his first statewide campaign.
▪ In Tennessee politics it takes $ 4 million to run a decent statewide campaign.
▪ In the 1994 statewide elections, voters decided nearly 150 ballot initiatives.
▪ The paper endorsed commentator Pat Buchanan, who is running third in statewide polls.
▪ Two statewide polls say Californians favor the medical use of marijuana.
▪ Other statewide polls on the measure are in the works.
▪ A recent statewide poll showed nearly three quarters of Californians still believe the state is in recession.
▪ Nevertheless, statewide polls still show overwhelming public support for the Games.
▪ Another statewide poll released early this year said 42 percent of Arizona voters thought Symington should resign.
▪ A recent statewide poll put Clinton ahead by 6 points.
▪ The next statewide elections will be held in June.

a. 1 happen in or affecting an entire state (political subdivision of a federal union). 2 Happening in or affecting an entire sovereign state; nationwide. adv. 1 Throughout a state (political subdivision of a federal union). 2 Throughout a sovereign state; nationwide.


adj. occurring or extending throughout a state; "the statewide recycling program"

Usage examples of "statewide".

September 13, in a statewide radio and TV address to the people of Mississippi, in a speech handcrafted by Bill Simmons, Ross Barnett squinted at the camera through his thick glasses, threw down the gauntlet and came close to declaring war on the U.

We put out a countywide bulletin, giving a description of Violet and the car she was believed to be driving, and then expanded that to statewide within two days.

He also had the benefit of a statewide PR, lobbying, and grassroots campaign organized by Ralph Reed, the formidable former executive director of the Christian Coalition.

If that ratio held statewide, no fewer than 7,000 voters were incorrectly targeted for removal from voting rosters.

This is the secretary of state and others certifying the statewide outcome, as they view it.

Frank also had learned that a statewide check was being made on art dealers for the stolen fort paintings.

Steady, gray drizzle that encourages statewide bad hair and couch potato mentality.

Upon closer examination, her story glides over one critical fact: Her decision not to change her name had been made long before her husband became a statewide elected official.

For six years I was investigating complaints statewide, concentrating on migrant workers.

His presence was more urgently required in Austin, the state capital, where balloting included a statewide referendum to divide Texas into five separate states.

A selective hand recount is calculated to ensure that Gore's margin will increase, even if an equal number of Bush votes were missed by voting machines statewide.