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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Stateliness \State"li*ness\, n. The quality or state of being stately.

For stateliness and majesty, what is comparable to a horse?
--Dr. H. More.


n. The quality or state of being stately

  1. n. a elaborate manner of doing something; "she served coffee with great stateliness"

  2. impressiveness in scale or proportion [syn: majesty, loftiness]

Usage examples of "stateliness".

Magnificently attired, the Marquis of Buckingham as far outshone his companions in splendour of habiliments as he did in stateliness of carriage and beauty of person.

She came toward the house, fanning herself with a certain stateliness, and carrying her handkerchief primly, by the exact centre of it.

The Saldaean Green somehow managed stateliness in spite of being slim and no taller than Egwene, and she had a regal, commanding air that might have been intimidating had Egwene let it.

Her air to her schoolmates was marked by a certain stateliness and distance, as if she had other thoughts than theirs and was not of them.

And in the meantime, gentlemen,” he added with a stateliness that was natural to him, “I have business which takes me to-day to my brother-in-law’s, Monsieur de Beauséjour’s.

Nor will this appear so slight a circumstance as to be unworthy of mention, when it is remembered that the caravan was in uneasy motion all the time, and that none but a person of great natural stateliness and acquired grace could have forborne to stagger.

True enough, my semblance is one of stateliness and refinement, rather than a simpering teasing coquetry, as might be practiced by some paltry little frippet, all paste and perfume and amorous contortion.

Even the beautiful Pantheon, whose pagan altars uphold the cross, now, and whose Venus, tricked out in consecrated gimcracks, does reluctant duty as a Virgin Mary to-day, is built about with shabby houses and its stateliness sadly marred.

They had firm lips, unquailing eyes, and a kingly stateliness of bearing.