StatCounter is a web traffic analysis tool. Access to basic services is free and advanced services can cost between and a month. The company is based in Dublin. The statistics from StatCounter are used to compute web usage share for example. StatCounter is used on 3% of all websites.
StatCounter statistics are directly derived from hits (not unique visitors) from 3 million sites using StatCounter totaling more than 15 billion hits per month. No artificial weightings are used to correct for sampling bias, thus the numbers in the statistics can not be considered representative.
The company was founded by Aodhan Cullen at the age of 16. He remains the CEO of StatCounter. Cullen received the "Internet Hero" award at the 2008 Eircom Golden Spider Awards. He was also named the 2007 BusinessWeek Young European Entrepreneur of the Year.
In 2008, the company surpassed two million members globally.