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a. which leads or points towards the stars adv. toward the stars

Usage examples of "starward".

Rise to her ethereal feasts, Not, though lightnings track your wit Starward, scorning them you quit: For be sure the bravest wing Preens it in our common spring, Thence along the vault to soar, You with others, gathering more, Glad of more, till you reject Your proud title of elect, Perilous even here while few Roam the arched greenwood with you.

It was as if his starward impetus was limited, that he could journey only so far and no farther before he hit some kind of psychic wall.

He had stood thus postured for most of the duration of the slow trip starward, while instruments had analyzed him from afar.

It flew on starward, wavering uncertainly as it searched the space ahead.

Even after she had crawled back into the natal chamber to tend her larger, later eggs, her fond imagination followed it toward the starward asteroids.

Turning farther starward, she winced at the idiot din from the planet of the gnats.

When she had flown on starward, he turned back home to alert the Elderhood.

TV jumped to a 24-hour satellite starward of Terra and showed us the whole moonlit Earth backed by the Milky Way, as if snared by a diamond-dewy spiderweb.

Information did diffuse starward, news, images, borne more by transients than by direct communication, and less and less often, but apparently nothing kept deliberately secret.

The promised land had long since absconded starward, lay scattered throughout a thousand as yet unexploited systems.

The ship was again moving starward, headlong into the light of stranger suns, compressing their waves toward the ultraviolet.

His shaft leapt starward at the same moment a second dart skinned along his arm.

She turned her face starwards, and he read her wishes, absorbed her longing for his return, and knew that she was still waiting, still loved him.

A sudden bright plume of orange smoke climbing starwards indicated a takeoff from Munchen spaceport.

The inn was already well alight, the thatch roaring starwards in a million twisting sparks.