vb. (en-paststart up)
Usage examples of "started up".
It climbed over the shallow curb and started up the wide stone steps of a big fashionable Negro church.
He wondered about that as he got in behind the wheel and started up the engine.
If Sergeant Murty came to check, or his relief started up, he'd feel the ladder jerk, and waken.
Shelly's mind, that he suddenly started up and ran out of the room.
For, passing by one day, as the girl was reading, and her master leaning over her, the girl, I know not for what reason, suddenly started up from her chair: and this was the first time that suspicion ever entered into the head of her mistress.
The engines had started up again with maximum output at the precise moment of re-emergence although no man was in a position to register it at the time.
He had remained but a short time in possession of his comfortless solitude, when he was intruded on by a camp-follower, bearing a small lamp, and followed closely by a woman, who, as he started up and confronted her, announced herself as Hermanric's kinswoman, and eagerly demanded an interview with the Goth.
Sophia instantly started up, and with the utmost eagerness recovered it from the flames.
She started up and bounded towards him in an instant: he was evidently in great straits for breath.
At the sound of his voice she started up, and clasping his arm with her trembling fingers, to arrest his progress, looked affrightedly into his seared and listless countenance.
I said, as we started up a ramp at the top of which I could see daylight.
I started up on my elbow and stared about me, but could see nothing.
On one occasion, as he was being visited by the doctor, he suddenly started up from his seat, and affirmed that he heard somebody crying.
All devices at the ready and instantly available, I completed my leisurely circuit of the building and started up the white stone steps at its front.
The misdirected men turned and rejoined the head of the main body just as they started up the correct ramp.