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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ And then one night, one bright and starlit night, a true free dragon came by to pay a call.
▪ Beyond the tall railings was the churchyard, the tombstones a ghostly grey in the starlit night.
▪ In theory it should be an idyllic experience sleeping out on a still starlit night at the height of the summer.
▪ It was a lovely starlit night and except for anxiety for the sufferer a pleasant journey.
▪ Others look like bizarre alien landscapes, with mutating spheres hovering in a starlit sky.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Starlit \Star"lit`\ (-l[i^]t`), a. Lighted by the stars; starlight.


a. illuminate by starlight


adj. lighted only by stars; "the starlit darkness"

Usage examples of "starlit".

Melly, would you be interested in a starlit beach, warm water, cool breezes and an attentive man?

Should borrow body and form and hue And tower in torrents of floral flame, The crimson bougainvillea grew, What starlit brow uplifted to the same Majestic regress of the summering sky, What ultimate thing -- hushed, holy, throned as high Above the currents that tarnish and profane As silver summits are whose pure repose No curious eyes disclose Nor any footfalls stain, But round their beauty on azure evenings Only the oreads go on gauzy wings, Only the oreads troop with dance and song And airy beings in rainbow mists who throng Out of those wonderful worlds that lie afar Betwixt the outmost cloud and the nearest star.

Once at the top, Quelt sat down, facing the water, and Nita and Kit sat down on either side of her, looking out at the starlit sea.

Hadden had followed through on his promise about the front-office clothing, and Allesandro, who ran a beauty salon when he was not planting trees, had sat her down in his chair, looked intently into her face with dark, starlit eyes, and then had recut her hair into a simple but elegant coif that she had never thought possible for her lank and mousy locks.

AUTUMN BROUGHT CLEAR, cool days, with starlit nights cold enough for log fires at City Tavern, where Adams customarily dined.

Bampfylde had ordered the Green Jackets to rest and replaced them with Marines whose scarlet coats and white crossbelts seemed bright in the starlit night.

Jana twilight, when the sun finally sank out of sight behind the slickrock mountains to the west and the sweet, soft darkness of the shining, starlit night of Jana settled, Dav tested the connecting doors between the two wings.

The two of them had driven from Boston last night, speeding up Route 93 past the brightly lit ring roads curving round the city like lines of defense, through the lowlands of southeastern New Hampshire, and finally, long after darkness had fallen, past the dim shapes of starlit hills and a range of distant mountains, Sunapee and the Monad-nocks looming far to the southwest.

The wall behind the Europan integrator had been transparent, showing the bulk of Jupiter above the starlit icefields, but now it opaqued and then displayed the various moons and worlds moving in their stately dance around the distant sun.

Elizabeth could dimly make out a selkie silhouetted against the starlit sea.

She could see the dark forms of the sleeping passengers silhouetted against the starlit sky.

With his wooden practice sword drawn, Hanshiro stood silhouetted there against the starlit sky.

She wished SHE could get out and go home--she pictured herself and her cat running eagerly along the dark, starlit roads to the little house in the hollow--back to the birches and Adam-and-Eve and Mike, and the old wing-chair and her dear little cot and the open window where the Wind Woman sang to her and at dawn one could see the blue of the mist on the homeland hills.

It was over two and a half months now since her encounter with Jaka in the starlit field, and though she doubted that the baby was large enough to be pushing her belly out so, she certainly had been eating volumes of late.

His troubled vision had begun to clear, and he found himself staring up into a bright, starlit night sky that stretched canopylike from ridge top to ridge top above him.