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n. (context scifi English) A large spaceship capable of transporting many passengers.


Starliner may refer to:

  • A car, the 1952-1954 Studebaker Starliner
  • A car, the 1960-1961 Ford Galaxie Starliner
  • An earlier car, the teardrop-shaped Starliner made by Robert Gougeon of Bay City Michigan in 1935
  • An airplane, the Lockheed L-1649A Starliner
  • A spacecraft, the Boeing CST-100 Starliner
  • Another term for a Starship
  • Spaceship analog of jetliner or cruiseliner

Usage examples of "starliner".

With the starliner drifting dead only twenty million kilometers in front of an orange sun, the task would have been difficult under the best circumstances.

Nom Anor spoke, a salvo of plasma balls streaked into the hologram and erupted against the shieldless starliner, opening flash-melted holes in the durasteel hull.

The Rar sisters put the whole starliner at risk by boarding it - as we did by rendezvousing with it.

Two more vessels crashed beside the hole, enlarging it by a factor of ten, then a third pilot guided his lumbering starliner through the breach to safety.

Luke said, pointing away from both the starliner and the ongoing firefight.

Local space was still frenetic with war craft and fire, but the real fighting had moved far afield of the starliner, out toward where an ovoid Yuuzhan Vong ship was defending itself against an onslaught of laser beams and proton torpedoes.

Its copper-sealed body was larger than the starliner that had brought me to this ocean world.

From the time they had been traveling, they must by now be a great distance from the starliner route and well into one of the less-charted sectors.

Nonetheless, the records appeared to prove that the rendezvous with the Terra-bound starliner had indeed been arranged.

Providing only that the Commissioner knew that the rendezvous with the Terran starliner had not been met, Bogaert was confident the fat representative of Terran technology would deduce the rest for himself.

Four passengers were expected from the Ortel rendezvous, but the starliner was never met As soon as the news reached me, I made it my job to investigate.

Between flashes, it was just possible to see a swarm of blocky silhouettes moving forward behind the assault, rapidly swelling into the shapes of New Republic starliners and mass transports.

The only advantage Ortel had to offer was its position along the route of the Federation starliners, whose ultimate destination was Terra.