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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Starlike \Star"like`\ (-l[imac]k`), a.

  1. Resembling a star; stellated; radiated like a star; as, starlike flowers.

  2. Shining; bright; illustrious.

    The having turned many to righteousness shall confer a starlike and immortal brightness.


a. Resembling a star, especially in shape


adj. resembling a star; "they saw a starlike object in the sky"

Usage examples of "starlike".

White his raiment, from his shoulders Snowy dove-like pinions spread, And a starlike light was shining In a Glory round his head.

Jody looked up from the mirror and blinked, the lashes on her right eye describing a starlike Clockwork Orange pattern against her pale skin.

The crowns of several large buckeye trees grew visible, protruding just far enough above the wall to reveal the starlike shape of their drought-yellowed leaves.