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n. (plural of starfighter English)

Starfighters (band)

Starfighters are an English heavy metal band from the new wave of British heavy metal movement founded in Birmingham, England, in 1979. They attracted a strong British cult following but were not able to translate this into any lasting success, producing just two full studio albums in the early 1980s. Ex-member Stevie Young brought in some attention to the group after he joined the iconic hard rock band AC/DC in 2014.

Usage examples of "starfighters".

The area was free of coralskippers, and the Yuuzhan Vong warship was beginning to move off, its dovin basals devouring most of what the Star Destroyer and a pack of starfighters were hurling at it.

The major approaches into Separatist space were picketed by droid starfighters, backed up by newly revealed capital ships: Geonosian Dreadnaughts that lumbered out from secret shipyards.

They are vastly more dangerous than the gunships and the detector satellites and all the DOKAWs and droid starfighters and armies of the Separatists put together.

And streaking across the curve of the horizon in front of them came three more wings of starfighters, on course to intercept.

Drawing fire from the starfighters down upon it could put the entire capital to the torch.

The ceiling sparkled with swooping droid starfighters and the hurtling ships they pursued.

That meant the enemy starfighters were going to be in the heart of the fleet in just a few moments.

Wedge had his ships nearly stationary as well, and both sides were keeping their starfighters close, the grutchin carriers aside.

Maybe a hundred coralskippers flared out in the first few furious seconds, and Alliance starfighters rushed in to fill the gap, pouring toward the hulking Yuuzhan Vong vessels.

On the bridge, Nom Anor stood before a visual field fashioned by distant signal villips, observing coralskippers and New Republic Starfighters exchanging fire in the skies over New Nystao.

Chunks of scabrous flesh large as starfighters blazed fiery trails through local space.

The starfighters came out of smooth rolls, inverted dives, and predatory banks to go to guns with their prey, riding them until they were annihilated.

Closer to the planetoid, over which a New Republic cruiser-carrier hung like a lightsaber, starfighters and coralskippers were matched in a tumultuous battle.

Whole squadrons of New Republic starfighters darted past the lumbering vessels to pelt the defenseless ship tenders with proton torpedoes and concussion missiles.

Three, four, and finally five symbols winked out as starfighters exploded, then the blastboats went, and two more pilots went EV.