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n. (plural of starfield English)

Usage examples of "starfields".

The planets in all the other starfields explored are too widely dispersed for useful inclusion in Cluster civilization.

I cannot recommend further exploratory voyages among the outer starfields of the Cluster.

A small possibility when voyaging between the civilized worlds of the Cluster, appreciable aboard an Explorer-class vessel venturing out into the starfields beyond civilization.

His crew evidently held him in some regard for they had brought him across five starfields to the Advanced Medical Center on Clur in the hope that the Medics could regrow his leg.

We shot across starfields in a series of wrenching accelerations, followed by terrifying transits through the vortices themselves.

Our ability to draw from that well, the eons we spent identifying, charting, and buoying the vortices between starfields, gave us the freedom to range and conquer the worlds of the Cluster.

Saul had taken us across twenty starfields, through twenty vortices, to within sight of our goal.