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a. (context science fiction English) Travelling among the stars.


Starfaring is a science fiction role-playing game created by Ken St. Andre and published by Flying Buffalo in August 1976.

Usage examples of "starfaring".

The race in question, still unnamed, had apparently been the first species in the galaxy to develop a starfaring society, more than 4 billion years ago, when the Earth was still cooling after coalescing from a planetary nebula.

One the First Federation had abandoned until the day the Federation became more of a technological equal The base existed in a hollow asteroid, a forward supply station, waitingfor the day the relationship between the two starfaring cultures could truly be established on a more balancedfooting.

We learned what slinkers are early in our starfaring, when first we had scant contact with Terrans, afterward hostile contact.

Just as it took few starfaring races to start many more on same course, irreversible change, so it could take few new races who go over to wholly new way of evolution for rest to do likewise eventually.