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vb. (context obsolete English) (eye dialect of stop English)


STAP may refer to:

  • Stimulus-triggered acquisition of pluripotency cell (commonly abbreviated as STAP cells)
  • Single Trooper Aerial Platform, a Star Wars vehicle
  • Space-time adaptive processing, a signal processing technique
  • Standard conditions for temperature and pressure (more commonly abbreviated STP), a set of environmental parameters
  • SystemTap (stap), a Linux debugging utility
  • Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, an arm of the Global Environment Facility and part of the UN Family of organizations
  • Systeme Telecollecte Aquereur Paiement, a card payment software designed by Afsol

Usage examples of "stap".

The affair of Staps, perhaps, made Napoleon anxious to hurry away from Schoenbrunn, for he set off before he had ratified the preliminaries of the peace, announcing that he would ratify them at Munich.

Peggy Soong, en de eerste stap op weg naar de missie naar Rakhat was gezet.

I immediately went to find Duroc, and we proceeded together to the apartment to which Staps had been taken.

Assisted by Staps, the two officers seated themselves, and the roots, covered with soft turf, served as pillows to their wounded heads.

Frederick Staps, when he was again alone with his friends, their host having withdrawn to prepare every thing that was necessary for the comfort of his guests.

His order was obeyed in a moment, and the soldiers, holding Staps by the arms, dragged him to the marshal, whom the Duke de Rovigo and General Rapp had now joined.

Savary and Rapp, with the soldiers who surrounded Staps, hastened into the palace, Napoleon, escorted by his marshals, walked slowly down the front.

Saluting the marshals with a wave of his hand, and, casting a last glance on Staps, he walked by and opened the door of the cabinet, where Minister Champagny was awaiting his return.

Tell my countrymen of poor Frederick Staps, who wished to save Germany, and could only die for it!

Staps--Second interrogatory--Tirade against the illuminati--Accusation of the Courts of Berlin and Weimar--Firmness and resignation of Staps--Particulars respecting his death-- Influence of the attempt of Staps on the conclusion of peace-- M.

The replies of Staps and his immovable resolution perfectly astonished him.

I have been assured that the attempt of the German Mutius Scaevola had a marked influence on the concessions which the Emperor made, because he feared that Staps, like him who attempted the life of Porsenna, might have imitators among the illuminati of Germany.

Champagny had ceased for several days to see the Prince of Lichtenstein when the affair of Staps took place.

The affair of Staps, perhaps, made Napoleon anxious to hurry away from Schoenbrunn, for he set off before he had ratified the preliminaries of the peace, announcing that he would ratify them at Munich.

The unexpected, lurid death of Lannes-- Rigid as iron, reaped down like a straw-- Tiptoed Assassination haunting round In unthought thoroughfares, the near success Of Staps the madman, argue to forbid The riskful blood of my previsioned line And potence for dynastic empery To linger vialled in my veins alone.