The Collaborative International Dictionary
Committee \Com*mit"tee\, n. [Cf. OF. comit['e] company, and LL. comitatus jurisdiction or territory of a count, county, assize, army. The word was apparently influenced by the verb commit, but not directly formed from it. Cf. County.] One or more persons elected or appointed, to whom any matter or business is referred, either by a legislative body, or by a court, or by any collective body of men acting together.
Committee of the whole [house], a committee, embracing all the members present, into which a legislative or deliberative body sometimes resolves itself, for the purpose of considering a particular measure under the operation of different rules from those governing the general legislative proceedings. The committee of the whole has its own chairman, and reports its action in the form of recommendations.
Standing committee. See under Standing.
Standing \Stand"ing\, a.
Remaining erect; not cut down; as, standing corn.
Not flowing; stagnant; as, standing water.
Not transitory; not liable to fade or vanish; lasting; as, a standing color.
Established by law, custom, or the like; settled; continually existing; permanent; not temporary; as, a standing army; legislative bodies have standing rules of proceeding and standing committees.
Not movable; fixed; as, a standing bed (distinguished from a trundle-bed). Standing army. See Standing army, under Army. Standing bolt. See Stud bolt, under Stud, a stem. Standing committee, in legislative bodies, etc., a committee appointed for the consideration of all subjects of a particular class which shall arise during the session or a stated period. Standing cup, a tall goblet, with a foot and a cover. Standing finish (Arch.), that part of the interior fittings, esp. of a dwelling house, which is permanent and fixed in its place, as distinguished from doors, sashes, etc. Standing order
(Eccl.), the denomination (Congregational) established by law; -- a term formerly used in Connecticut. See also under Order. (a) (Com.) an order for goods which are to be delivered periodically, without the need for renewal of the order before each delivery.
Standing part. (Naut.) (a) That part of a tackle which is made fast to a block, point, or other object.
That part of a rope around which turns are taken with the running part in making a knot or the like.
Standing rigging (Naut.), the cordage or ropes which sustain the masts and remain fixed in their position, as the shrouds and stays, -- distinguished from running rigging.
n. An established parliamentary or congressional committee to which all proposed legislation, messages, petitions, memorials and other matters regarding a defined scope of subjects get referred to and then returned to parliament or congress along with a recommended measure.
n. a permanent committee
In the United States Congress, standing committees are permanent legislative panels established by the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate rules. ( House Rule X, Senate Rule XXV.) Because they have legislative jurisdiction, standing committees consider bills and issues and recommend measures for consideration by their respective chambers. They also have oversight responsibility to monitor agencies, programs, and activities within their jurisdictions, and in some cases in areas that cut across committee jurisdictions. Due to their permanent nature, these committees exist beyond the adjournment of each two-year meeting of Congress.
Most standing committees recommend funding levels—authorizations—for government operations and for new and existing programs. A few have other functions. For example, the Appropriations Committees recommend legislation to provide budget authority for federal agencies and programs. The Budget Committees establish aggregate levels for total spending and revenue that serve as guidelines for the work of the authorizing and appropriating panels. Committees also provide oversight of federal agencies and programs.
The Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 greatly reduced the number of committees. The membership of each committee is adopted at the beginning of each Congress, usually by adoption of a formal resolution. Each committee is assigned its own staff to assist with its legislative, investigative, and research functions. Several committees divide their work into sub units called subcommittees.
The Senate currently has 16 standing committees, and 4 permanent select or special committees. The House has 19 standing committees and 3 permanent select committees.
Committee sizes range from 6 to 50 members per committee. In the House, one person may not serve on more than two standing committees and four subcommittees at one time, though waivers can be granted to serve on additional committees. Also in the House, the House Republican Steering Committee assigns Republican representatives to their committee(s), while the Steering and Policy Committee is in charge of assigning Democratic representatives to committees. The Senate follows similar procedures, with senators being limited to no more than three full committees and five sub-committees.
Standing committee is a committee consisting of Members of Parliament. It is a permanent and regular committee which is constituted from time to time according to the provisions of an Act of Parliament or Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business. The work done by the Indian Parliament is not only voluminous but also of a complex nature, hence a great deal of its work is carried out in these Parliamentary Committees.
Both Houses of Parliament, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha, have similar Committee structures with a few exceptions. Their appointment, terms of office, functions and procedures of conducting business are broadly similar. These standing committees are elected or appointed every year, or periodically by the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha or the Speaker of the Lok Sabha, or as a result of consultation between them.
There are two types of Parliamentary Committee, the Standing Committee and the Ad hoc Committee.
Usage examples of "standing committee".
Barbara McNamara, address before the American Bar Association, Standing Committee on National Security Law, Washington, D.
The USAF subsequently reactivates two wings of refurbished B-52s and places them at the disposal of the UN standing committee on self-replicating weapons.
They have the votes on the Standing Committee to report out a bill of impeachment, and they're going to.
The president will make a point of bringing you to the attention of Niu Jianxing and the rest of the Standing Committee.
She had succeeded in having herself appointed to the Senate standing committee on agriculture, and after that it had required only a few subtle hints for Garry to offer her a seat on the CCI board.
That's Colonel Mansour, Combined Defense Corps, on detached duty with the UN Standing Committee on Interstellar Disarmament.
In fact, her father was on the Standing Committee of the North Vietnamese national assembly.
Your presence before the Special Committee on Annexation and the Standing Committee on Constitutional Law is required.
They have the votes on the Standing Committee to report out a bill of impeachment, and they’.