n. a primary cell used as a standard of electro-motive force
In semiconductor design, standard cell methodology is a method of designing application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) with mostly digital-logic features. Standard cell methodology is an example of design abstraction, whereby a low-level very-large-scale integration ( VLSI) layout is encapsulated into an abstract logic representation (such as a NAND gate). Cell-based methodology — the general class to which standard cells belong — makes it possible for one designer to focus on the high-level (logical function) aspect of digital design, while another designer focuses on the implementation (physical) aspect. Along with semiconductor manufacturing advances, standard cell methodology has helped designers scale ASICs from comparatively simple single-function ICs (of several thousand gates), to complex multi-million gate system-on-a-chip (SoC) devices.
Usage examples of "standard cell".
Since the Martian description of their Standard Cell is essentially the same as the Terran, they are using the same thing.
Only they use sense and say that a volt is the unit of a standard cell, period.
As soon as Doug arrived in his quarters at Moonbase - a standard cell along one of the tunnels carved out of the rock, not even as large as the smallest compartment aboard a cruise ship - he put in a call to his mother in Savannah.